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Light Chatbot Small Business


When your visitor lands on your website, the chat bot interacts with them.
Through conversational marketing it converts them into a qualified lead or a customer. It's just like having a personal assistant.
Just look at what a Chatbot can do for you:
How would you like to be able to #engage with online clients 24/7 in the following way?

: #selling your services
: making #appointments
: delivering #coupons and #vouchers
: #signposting them to help or #information
: #collecting their name and number so you can call them later
: #conducting #surveys
: taking #applications
: giving #advice without LIFTING A FINGER 24/7
Well I have fab news! You need a online virtual assistance that
: never sleeps,
: never complains,
: don't go sick and
: just works for you all the time for less than 30p a day!
Click here to try a live one
A one off annual fee of £120 or you can pay £30 set up fee and £15 a month.

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